Check Out the 2024 Study Abroad Photo Contest Winners!

Landscape Category
Cinque Terre, Italy
UNC Charlotte: School of Architecture Rome Program
Spring 2023
The Office of Education Abroad is proud to share that the winners of the 2024 Study Abroad Photo Contest have been announced! We welcome visitors to view the wonderful submissions via the above buttons or below links, and if you know any of the winning students, please extend a hearty “congratulations!”

Portrait Category
Ballyvaughan, Ireland
Ireland: Creative Pilgrimage in Ireland
Summer 2023
Each year, EA invites study abroad alumni to submit photos in four competitive categories: Defining Moment, Landscape, Portrait, and Self-Portrait. There is also a fifth, non-competitive category, Traveling 49ers, which exhibits Niner Pride around the globe. By this year’s deadline of March 13, EA had received over 100 captivating photographs from 36 talented students.
We’re extremely grateful for the help of this year’s judging panel, and we’d like to thank Hannah Hickman, Paula Ruiz Gutierrez, and Anastasia Proctor for their time scoring so many submissions. Despite their busy schedules, they ensured that the contest would be able to continue for another year.
This year’s collection of photographs spanned almost every continent, as the students’ lenses captured locations as diverse as Tokyo, Dublin, Wroclaw, Tongariro National Park, and Stellenbosch, among many others. Despite the rigorous competition, the submissions showcased an array of remarkable moments captured with artistry and finesse. Whether an entry found its place among the winning selections or not, EA admires all participating alumni for sharing their experiences and memories with us.
We welcome future study abroad alumni to participate in next year’s iteration, as there are gift card prizes for winning participants!

Self-Portrait Category
Tongariro National Park
AIFS Abroad in Wellington: Semester
Spring 2023

Self-Portrait Category
Varenna, Italy
USAC Italy: Verona – International Business, Tourism, and Italian Studies
Spring 2023
Winners – Defining Moment Category
- 1st place: “They Shall Not Grow Old” by Will Myers
- 2nd place: “Plassey Shipwreck” by Sarah Vojnovich
- 3rd place: “Savoring Serendipity” by Sam Salvato
- Runners-up: “On Top of Mt. Fuji” by Von Alberto and “Paradoxical Heavens” by Nicole Kythas
Winners – Landscape Category
- 1st place: “Impromptu Tuesday Day Trip” by Sylvia Sriniwass
- 2nd place: “Crimson Red” by Sydney Ly
- 3rd place: “A Glimpse” by Abby Drabik
- Runners-up: “Alpine Serenity: Ibex Grazing on the Hardergrat Trail” by Soen Mccormick and “Cliffhanger” by Will Myers
Winners – Portrait Category
- 1st place: “Sanja Matsuri” by Sydney Ly
- 2nd place: “Farmer Patrick and Merlin” by Alyssa Smart
- 3rd place: “Honoring Them” by Will Myers
- Runners-up: “The Sculptor” by Michael Brooks and “An Old Couple at Nagoya Castle” by Von Alberto
Winners – Self-Portrait Category
- 1st place: “The Lantern” by Von Alberto
- 2nd place: “A Blooming Universe” by Sydney Ly
- 3rd place: “Mundane Monsters in Progress” by Caroline Wingerd
- Runners-up: “Il magico Lago di Como” by Sylvia Sriniwass and “Welcome to the Team” by Brian Edwards