Study Abroad Ambassadors

Study Abroad Ambassadors are study abroad alumni working with Education Abroad to help you get your questions answered. Please feel free reach out to any of these individuals via email to ask about their experiences, programs, or anything else you’re curious about!

We will update this page with more of our new ambassadors very soon! If you’re interested in becoming a study abroad ambassador, apply today!

Emma wical

Emma Wical is currently a junior at UNC Charlotte studying Sociology, Political Science, and Japanese. She has been to both Japan and Taiwan on spring break programs and is hoping to return to Japan for a semester. She believes that all students, no matter their background or status, should be able to experience the life-changing effects of study abroad and hopes to one day help all students to see the world and make new connections!

makena jordan

MaKena Jordan is a senior majoring in Marketing with a concentration in Marketing Analytics and a minor in Communication Studies. She first studied abroad during spring break in 2023, participating in the faculty-led Global Marketing Practicum: France and Croatia. During this program, she traveled through Paris, France, and Dubrovnik, Croatia to understand how the marketing mix operates in two European markets and learn more about the different cultures represented. Her second study abroad trip was also a faculty-led program. The program was the International Career Exploration and Professional Branding in London, England in the summer of 2024. During this trip, she immersed herself in London’s culture while learning how to build her international professional brand and connecting with local London employers.