Collection of Overdue Accounts

UNC Charlotte Education Abroad Collection of Overdue Accounts Policy

Students Currently Enrolled at UNC Charlotte Who Participated on an Education Abroad Program (Accounts in “Current” Collection Status)

One week after the start of the UNC Charlotte semester in which the student is enrolled for the education abroad program, UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) begins outreach to all students with balances due to the office. It is at this point students are considered to be in current collection status.

  • Billing
    • One week after the start of the UNC Charlotte semester
      • EA’s Administrative Coordinator e-mails students notification of unpaid balances every two weeks, starting one week after the start of the UNC Charlotte semester for which the student is registered to study abroad (see: UNC Charlotte Academic Calendar).
      • These e-mails will continue while the student is enrolled at UNC Charlotte.

    From program decision date to program departure

    • Payment due notices are sent to students, at their campus email addresses, on the day after the program decision date and every two weeks until program departure.
    • Information provided:
      • Notices of past due amounts are included with other materials that are past due. This e-mail may reference more required items than just payments that are delinquent.
      • These payment notices reflect all charges on the student’s EA portal account as of the date the notification was created.
  • Holds – set per schedule in bullets below:
    • EA adds Registration  (RR) holds to student accounts with overdue payments. This hold prevents students from registering, dropping, or withdrawing from classes.
    • EA will not process any grades it receives from a student’s education abroad experience while the student remains in current collection status.
      • Holds for overdue payments will be applied to students’ accounts on the dates listed below (or the first business day after the listed date):
        • October 15 – students studying abroad in the fall semester
        • March 15 – students studying abroad in the spring semester
        • July 15 – students studying abroad in the summer term(s)

Students No Longer Enrolled at UNC Charlotte (Accounts in “Past Due” Collection Status)

  • Past Due Accounts
    • A student’s EA portal account will be considered to be in past due status if:
      • The student is not currently enrolled at the University, and
      • The student’s EA portal account contains unpaid charges that have been outstanding 30 days or greater after the last day of the term
  • Collections
    • For all past due accounts, the following collections activity occurs:
      • EA will notify the Bursar’s Office Collections Manager to add the past due amounts to student accounts.
      • When accounts are 30 days past due:
        • A Registration Hold (FB) is placed on the student’s UNC Charlotte account, and all requests for readmission are denied until the student’s account is paid.
        • Interest charges are added, calculated as simple monthly interest at the NCDOR rate (currently 5%)
        • First past due letter is sent via mail to the student’s permanent address
      • When accounts are 60 days past due:
        • Second month of interest charges are added
        • Second past due letter is sent via mail to the student’s permanent address
      • When accounts are 90 days past due:
        • Third month of interest charges are added
        • One-time late payment penalty of 10% is added
        • Account is referred to the North Carolina Attorney General’s (NCAG’s) Office for collection assistance.
          • NCAG’s Office will issue third past due letter
          • If the account balance is not paid and the student does not make payment arrangements within 45 days, the NCAG’s Office will notify the University, and the account will be placed with a collection agency. Interest will continue to accrue on the account each month.
        • Account is reported to the NCDOR (NC Department of Revenue) for potential set off against the debtor’s NC individual income tax refund, per the Setoff Debt Collection Act (“SODCA,” NCGS 105A).
        • Biannually, before May 31 and December 31, all 90-day past due accounts are reported to OSBM per SEDCA (State Employee Debt Collection Act, NCGS 143-553), which requires that employees whose salaries are paid in whole or in part by state funds repay debts of the state as a condition of employment.