GeoBlue Insurance
All students and faculty traveling on UNC Charlotte study abroad programs are enrolled in GeoBlue insurance for the duration of the program. The insurance is mandated for all UNC system schools by the UNC System Office and cannot be waived.

Faculty Directors Leading a Program
The cost of insurance for both the students and the Faculty Director(s) is built into the program fee. Once all students have confirmed their participation and the program is confirmed, UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) will automatically enroll all program participants in this policy.
Extending Coverage and Enrolling Guests in GeoBlue
Faculty Directors may work with our office to enroll any spouses or family members traveling with them abroad into the same GeoBlue insurance. They may also work with our office to extend coverage if planning to travel abroad before and/or after the program end date (we only enroll faculty for the official program dates). You will need to provide a payment to the university to cover the cost of the additional insurance. Payment must be received before insurance is purchased for family members or for extended travel. More details on this process are available upon request to the Faculty-Led Programs Team.
GeoBlue Resources
- GeoBlue Policy Brochure (updated annually)
- GeoBlue Website
- GeoBlue Claim Form
- Download the GeoBlue app onto your smartphone
GeoBlue Contact Information
Phone: +1-610-254-8771
Faculty and Staff Traveling for Business Purposes
UNC Charlotte Education Abroad only enrolls faculty leading official study abroad program. However, the Office of International Program business services team works with faculty and staff traveling independently for business purposes for international conferences, research, etc. Please contact the OIP Finance Team ( to inquire about the cost, enrollment, and registration process for the GeoBlue Business plan.