International Insurance
Any student who travels abroad under the auspices of UNC Charlotte will be enrolled in international health insurance. This insurance is mandatory and cannot be waived under any circumstance – even if the student already has additional insurance coverage through their parents, affiliate provider, etc. This policy is very comprehensive, including coverage for many medical-related expenses as well as evacuation.

Daily rate & enrollment
UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) will automatically enroll approved students in GeoBlue’s Study Abroad Plan, at a rate of $1.46 per day* ($1.60 for students studying abroad in Spain, due to coverage specifically required by the Spanish visa) approximately one to two months prior to the student’s departure. Once EA enrolls students in the insurance, they will be notified via email. The notification email will detail next steps for the student to register their GeoBlue account, download their GeoBlue ID card, how to submit payment for the insurance, etc.
*Rate is reviewed annually by GeoBlue and is subject to change
Submitting Program Dates
Students are required to submit official program dates to EA by the designated due date in their study abroad application.
- Students are asked to provide program dates within their study abroad application once they have been approved by EA
- Official program dates should include housing move-in dates, orientation/welcome week, and exams.
If students are traveling before or after their official program dates for personal travel/vacation, they may choose to extend their international health insurance directly through GeoBlue (EA cannot extend insurance for personal travel time – the student must submit a request to GeoBlue directly).
policy & coverage
Please refer to the GeoBlue Student Member Guide for detailed information on plan benefits. This guide covers the following information:
- How to register a student account
- How to find a student GeoBlue ID card
- How to find a doctor and schedule an appointment abroad
- How to submit a claim to be reimbursed for medical expenses incurred abroad
- How to purchase Pre- and Post-Program Coverage (optional for students traveling abroad before and/or after their study abroad program)
For specific questions about coverage and taking prescriptions abroad, please contact GeoBlue directly at 844-268-2686 (toll free within the U.S.) or at +1 610-263-2847 (calling from outside the U.S.). GeoBlue is also available via email at
How do I pay for my insurance?
Once the student provides EA with confirmed travel dates insurance will be purchased for the student. This is generally 1-2 months before travel. The amount due along with details about the policy will be a part of the student’s application. For some students, the cost of insurance is included in the overall program cost (Faculty-led and Travel Registration). For Exchange, Affiliate, or Direct Enrollment students, a separate fee will be provided within their application. Can this insurance be used in the U.S.? No, this insurance cannot be used within the U.S. or U.S. territories (U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico). I have a gap in coverage, what should I do? Students enrolled in Student Blue (the on-campus insurance administered through UNC Charlotte), may have a gap in coverage if they waive their on-campus insurance for the term(s) they are abroad. Student Blue does not offer short term/continuation of coverage options. Students either waive or enroll for the full Fall Semester (Coverage from August 1 through December 31) or Spring Semester (coverage from January 1 through July 31) – there is no “per day” option. For study abroad students who waive the Student Blue coverage for the semester they are abroad, this is considered a “qualifying life event,” which would allow the student to enroll in an individual health insurance plan during that gap. EA recommends students consider BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Individuals and Family Plans (1-800-324-4973). Can I extend my GeoBlue coverage to cover personal travel? Yes. Students who are traveling abroad before and/or after their study abroad program, can extend their insurance coverage directly through GeoBlue for the dates of their international travel. Once EA enrolls students in this insurance for their official program dates, students can then enroll in Before and After Coverage (also called, Pre- and Post-Program Coverage). Instructions for this can be found on page 12 of the GeoBlue Student Member Guide.